If you want to keep track of the latest personal injury and on-the-job accident advice, look no further. By blogging about the best ways to avoid insurance traps, what to do after being injured at work and how to maximize your slip and fall lawsuit, our staff and attorneys are arming you with knowledge; and knowledge is power.
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Uninsured Drivers May Wreck Your Atlanta Car Accident Injury ClaimAfter an Atlanta car accident, your injury claim could be affected by the type of insurance the other driver has. A Fulton personal injury attorney explains.
Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses 3 Georgia Traffic Law ViolationsIf you’ve been involved in an accident in Georgia, were traffic laws broken? If so, an Atlanta-area personal injury lawyer can help. Call our firm today.
Common Georgia Car Insurance Problems You Could EncounterIf you have car insurance issues during your Georgia personal injury claim, call 1-404-842-7838 to speak with attorney Sheryl Burke about your car crash.
What to Do After a Hit and Run Car Accident in GeorgiaNeed to file a Georgia personal injury claim with car insurance after a hit and run car accident? Call personal injury attorney Sheryl Burke: 1-404-842-7838.
An Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Can Assess Your Accident and InjuriesAccident circumstances and injuries can affect your personal injury claim and compensation. Call Atlanta personal injury lawyer Sheryl Burke: 1-404-842-7838.
An Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Fight for CompensationAn Atlanta law firm can help build an effective demand package for injury compensation. Contact Atlanta personal injury lawyer Sheryl Burke: 1-404-842-7838.
Georgia Workers' Compensation Limitations and Time LimitsThere may be limitations and time limits when it comes to Workers' Compensation. Contact an Atlanta work injury lawyer for help obtaining benefits.
4 Types of Disability in a Georgia Workers' Compensation CaseThere are 4 types of disability in a Georgia Workers' Compensation case. For help with your claim, contact an experienced Atlanta work injury lawyer.
When a Georgia Accident Leads to a Brain Injury, Look for Common DisabilitiesWhen you or a loved one suffers a brain injury, be on the lookout for common disabilities. Contact a brain injury attorney in Georgia at 1-404-842-7838.
Complications of a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Lead to Additional Costs after a Georgia AccidentComplications of a traumatic brain injury may lead to additional costs. Contact a brain injury attorney in Georgia for help at 1-404-842-7838.
News for Georgia Drivers: 5 Chilling Statistics on Driving Under the InfluenceDriving under the influence in Georgia can cause a grim DUI car accident, in which you may seek damages. Call an Atlanta personal injury lawyer: 404-842-7838.
Statistics on Driving Under the Influence Fatalities in GeorgiaDriving under the influence is a serious problem in Georgia, leading to many fatalities each year. Read on for the latest statistics. For a free case evaluation with a Georgia car accident attorney, call S. Burke Law at (404) 842-7838 today.